JSC «National Centre for Professional Development «Orleu».
English language trainers: A. Kabdusheva., A. Gelmanova.,
А. Aubakirov
In the strategic documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an increasing emphasis is placed on the increasing role of human capital and the adoption of a new approach to education as a means of its formation.
Education is one of the highest values for the individual and society, acting as the main prerequisite for their existence and development. [1].
The quality of education, in the first place, is determined by qualitatively trained teachers.
The current stage in the development of education is characterized by an intensive search for new technologies of education and upbringing. This process is caused by a number of contradictions, most important of which is the discrepancy between traditional methods and forms of education and upbringing of new innovative trends in the development of the education system in the current socio-economic conditions of the development of society.
According to Professor E. Nikitin, «no other country in the world has such a branched, stable network of institutions that provide professional assistance to teachers and all pedagogical workers, providing continuous pedagogical education and surviving in market conditions.» This is a system for improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers, methodological services at different levels [2].
At present, one of the key tasks is to raise the prestige of the pedagogical profession and improve the quality of teaching. Skills and skills of teachers are directly related to the skills and skills of students. The skills that teachers should possess best include: reliability, in-depth knowledge of the subject, methods and objectives of the training, the ability to get along with students and the ability to support their interest in learning and the desire to participate actively in this process.
The formation of the national education system, which is based on the idea of continuity and continuity of education, requires cardinal changes in the system of raising the qualifications of educators.
How much teachers are prepared for their profession is the most important indicator of the quality of education. To ensure the preparedness of teachers for solving problems and problems of a changing world means giving them specific knowledge of the subject, effective teaching practice, understanding of technologies and the opportunity to work with other teachers, parents, the society. [3].
The future of society depends not only on the level of technological progress and economic growth, it is increasingly determined by a person ready to solve the main socio-economic problems for the benefit and for the sake of man.
The teacher is the main subject of the education system therefore the successful professional formation and development of the teacher’s personality should become a priority direction of the state education system and educational institutions. Reforming the system of professional development of teachers has caused the emergence of a number of studies aimed at improving the quality of education, personal and professional development of specialists main social and economic problems for the benefit and in the name of the individual. [4].
The teacher of the new formation faces certain requirements: ideally, the teacher should clearly understand the value of education, be a «person in culture», know his subject well, teach the subject, pedagogy and psychology, use personally oriented pedagogical methods and have motivation for further growth and development of his Personality [5].
Constant development and self-development is one of the important components of the pedagogical profession. Development is a universal principle of the existence of nature, society, man, which includes an understanding of irreversible, directed and regular changes.
Such qualities as social responsibility, adequate perception and mobile response to new factors, independence and promptness in decision-making, readiness for democratic communication, socially active action, including the protection of one’s rights, the ability to adapt quickly to new conditions and other qualities that determine the competitiveness of the individual .
In this regard, even more urgent is the task of strengthening the focus of the educational process on the competitiveness of the specialist. [6].
The leading goal of continuing education in the new economic conditions of Kazakhstan is the preparation of a person who is competitive in the labor market, possessing such personal and professional qualities that provide the opportunity to successfully solve tasks in all types of activities and be responsible for their solution. In this regard, the main pedagogical task at all stages of continuous education is the search for and implementation of optimal ways of developing the personality of the teacher, capable of effective self-actualization in the process of long-term intellectually active social, working life. [7].
The need for constant actualization of the knowledge obtained as a result of education, caused by inability to work qualitatively, to solve unforeseen and increasingly complicated social and professional tasks in the course of labor activity, caused the emergence of various forms of organized post-graduate education. Along with the organized, publicly managed sector, various types and ways of informal parallel education and self-education have emerged, designed to compensate to a certain extent for the shortcomings of the established system and its result — people’s dissatisfaction with their socio professional status and quality of life. [8].
Continuous vocational education is a systematically organized process of people’s education throughout their working life, based on regulatory requirements that oblige the employer to provide the employee with the necessary and sufficient conditions for increasing professional knowledge and skills whenever a change in the conditions of his work is due to the presentation to him new or additional professional requirements, which allows him to remain an effective worker, to be competitive in the internal and external labor markets and to maintain social living conditions that are adequate to the level of his professional rating in the labor market [9].
K.M. Gurevich noted that every person can master any profession. The whole point is how much time and effort it will take. The limited period of the labor activity of a person has necessitated mechanisms to prevent mistakes in the choice of a profession and search for the shortest path to the formation of professional skills, which, in turn, involves the introduction of such concepts as «professional abilities», «professionally significant qualities», «professional development». Important are also questions about the laws of professional development, the conditions that facilitate and hinder it, the opportunities to manage this process. [10].
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Уведомления: Совершенствование языковой компетентности педагогов в преподавании языковых дисциплин в условиях трехъязычия | Сайт ӨРЛЕУ